How To Deal With Peer Pressure: 4 Simple, Proven Strategies Peer pressure is a tricky beast. It can force you to do things that are either good or bad for you, but it won’t let go until you do what it wants. It’s just like peer pressure to feel like you have to check Instagram every five seconds, or eat pizza for breakfast because your friends are doing it. It doesn’t take much to spark the feeling of peer pressure. The need for social acceptance is so strong that even the slightest hint will make people want to conform. Peer pressure can be very sneaky, but with this guide, you shouldn't have any issues! Understand the power of social influence In a perfect world, we would never have to deal with peer pressure. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Your kid will eventually be exposed to peer pressure. When that happens, what can you do about it? The first thing to understand is that peer pressure is a real thing. As a society, we tend to scoff at peer pressure. Howev...