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Sample paper of CBSE

Practice paper of CBSE Chemistry

            1.What is a soap?                                                                                                                  
2.   Out of 60W and 40W lamps, which one has a higher electrical resistance when in use ?        
3.  Draw the ray diagram, exhibiting formation of an image when an object is placed at
       the ‘C’ on the principle axis of a concave mirror.                                                                                                         
            4.What chemical process is used for obtaining a metal from its oxide?                                         
5. Write one cause of myopia.                                                                                                                              
6.State  Mendeleev’s peiodic law.                                                                                        
            7. Why alkanes donot undergo addition reactions?                                                                                      
            8.What do you mean by metallic and non metallic properties?                                                                               
9. What is meant by the term ‘magnetic field’? Why does a compass needle shows
     deflection when brought near a bar magnet ?                                                                                                           
           10.State ohm’s law. Draw a circuit diagram to establish a relationship between potential difference across the two ends 
                 of a resistor and current flowing through it.                                                     
           11. A convex lens has a focal length of 10 cm. At what distance from the lens should the object be placed so that it forms a
                 real and inverted image 20 cm away from the lens ?What would be the size of the image formed if the object is 2 cm
                 high? With the help of ray diagram show the formation of the image by the lens in thiscase.  
            12.What is meant by ‘ Dispersion of white light’? Draw a ray diagram to show dispersion of white light by a glass prism.
                  Why do we get different colours of light?                                                                                                                              
            13.a.What type of oxides are formed when non-metals combine with oxygen?                   
                  b.What are amphoteric oxides?Give an example                                                              
            14. a. During summer season, why a milkman usually adds a very small amount of baking soda to fresh milk?

                   b.A student has been collecting silver coins and copper coins. One day she observed
                   a black coating on silver coins and green coating on copper coins. Give the chemical
                   name of black and green coating.How are they formed?                                                
              15. (a) Describe an activity to demonstrate the pattern of magnetic field lines around a straight    conductor carrying
                      (b) State the rule to find the direction of magnetic field associated with a current carrying conductor.          
                       (c)Two room heaters are marked 220 V ,500W and 220 V, 800W respectively . If  the heaters are connected in
                             parallel to 220 V mains supply, calculate :
                (i) the current drawn by each heater
                (ii) the resistance of each heater
                (iii) total energy consumed in commercial units if they operate simultaneously for  2 hours.
a.     State Fleming’s Right Hand Rule.
b.      (i)Name the electric device that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.
              (ii) Write the principle involved in this device.
        c .An electric geyser of 2kW rating is operated in domestic circuit operating on 220 V main supply that has a fuse of
            current rating of 5 A. What will be the outcome? Explain.  

16. An organic compound ‘A’ is widely used as a preservative in pickles and has a molecular formula
C2H2O2. This compound reacts with ethanol to form a sweet smelling compound ‘B’.
(i) Identify the compound ‘A’
(ii) Write the chemical equation for its reaction with ethanol to form compound ‘B’.
(iii) How can we get compound ‘A’ back from ‘B’?
(iv) Name the process and write corresponding chemical equation.
(v) Which gas is produced when compound ‘A’ reacts with sodium metal?      
a.What are hydrocarbons?How are they classified?                                                          
b.Explain the mechanism of micelle formation and cleaning action of soap.                   

            SECTION – B
Q.17.  What is “Narmada Bachao Andolan”?                                                                                   
Q.18. Identify the organisms in figure A & B.    

Q.19. Define the term Analogous organs                                                                              
Q.20. What kind of mirror –concave, convex or plane would be best suitable for use in solar cooker? Why?                                                                                                                                                                   
Q.21. How is energy generated in a nuclear fission reaction? Why is the large scale use of nuclear energy prohibitive ?                                                                                                                                                                    
Q.22 Name the gland  which produces the following hormones.
            (a)Adrenalin    (b) Thymosin   (c) Thyroxine   (d) Insulin                                               
Q. 23. Label any four parts of it.

Q.24. Explain Mendel’s experiment with peas on inheritance of traits considering two
         visible contrasting characters.                                                                                       

Q.25 .What are techniques of water harvesting ? Write in brief the benefits of water 
Q.26.Draw a diagrams of human brain and label the following parts:
        (i) Cerebrum          (b) Meninges (c) Medulla oblongata  (d) Cerebellum.                     

Q. 27. (a) Draw a diagram of the human digestive  system and label Oesophagus, liver, Gall 
              bladder, Pancreas on the diagram drawn.
          (b) Describe the process of digestion  in small intestine.
           (i)Draw a diagram of the human urinary system and label in it:
          (a) Kidney               (b) Ureter         (c) Urinary bladder           (d) Urethra

          (ii) Name the two major components of normal human urine.      


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